Getting Started with the appLauncher for Access
There is a defined hierarchy to configuring your application to use the appLauncher of Access.
The topmost level is a Tenant which can be thought of as a collection of Organizations. A Tenant can have multiple Organizations and all the Organizations in a Tenant, share a pool of resources for billing (AKA Tokens). You can have multiple Tenants, but in most cases, you will only need one.
An Organization is a company or a department/division in a large corporation. If you are a developer that has many clients, you will create an Organization for each. If you are deploying an Access app to just your company, you will only need one Organization. An Organization can only belong to a single Tenant.
An Organization can have multiple Groups and an Application can belong to multiple groups in the same Organization. Users can also belong to multiple groups, but a User can belong to any Group in any Organization. When a User belongs to a Group, they will be able to launch any Application that belongs to that same group.
Finally, Applications are where the configuration setting are stored that control how an application should be launched. Applications an only belong to one Organization.

Creating a Tenant
In most cases you will only need to create a single Tenant. All Organizations that belong to the same Tenant will share the billing resources. This allows you to purchase a larger quantity of Tokens at a lower price per Token. If you want to bill an Organization separately, create a second Tenant and add that Organization there.
To create a Tenant, go to the Tenants screen and press Add New Tenant, then provide a descriptive name. That’s all you need to do. Once you have created your Tenant, you can invite other users to help Manage your Tenant by pressing the Co-Owner button for that Tenant and entering the email address of the user you wish to add. Note: A user must already have an account on this site to be added as a Co-Owner.
Go To Tenants
Adding an Organization
Now that you have create a Tenant, you need to add one or more Organizations by going to the Organization screen and pressing Add Organization. You will need to give the Organization a name and select what primary and secondary Azure regions you want to use for your storage. If you don’t see a storage close to you users, contact us and we will create one. You can also control if you want to log the users machine name and how a user’s email is stored. If you opt not to log the machine name, a unique machine will be identified as W6CMJPH906Q3GFKNPG26R5TFJQPW9CZCYA84QKEGP30MPXG36QBR. If you opt to not store the users full email, will be stored as billg@.
Finally, there is the option to Private Label what your end users see. Enabling Private Label allows you to brand the appLauncher client application with your company’s name, website URL and a custom background image. When Private Label is enabled, there is an additional 1 token charged for every third token used.
Go To Organizations
Managing Users and Groups
When you add an Organization, we automatically create an –All Users- group, and add your user account to that group. Additionally, your user account is automatically added as an Admin for the Organization. Add Admin has the right to add and configure Groups, Users and Applications from the client app. Organization Admins will not have the right to manage the Organization or Tenant unless they are added as a Tenant Co-Owner.
Go To Groups Go To Users
Installing the appLauncher Client
You and all your clients will need to install the appLauncher client on their machines. It is a small EXE file that authenticates your uses with Microsoft Oauth 2.0 and presents them with the list of applications they have rights to launch. You can download the installer application with the button below. If you are prompted to download the .NET Core 3.1 Runtime, you want to select the Run Desktop Apps option.
Download Client
Adding Applications
Once the client is installed you can log on with same email address you used to log on to this site. If you have multiple Organizations, you can change the active Organization from the fly-out menu. To add an Application, by pressing the Add New Application button in the client, and filling in the required fields.
At a minimum you need to enter a name for the Application, the folder name where the files will be deployed, then upload either x86 or x64 Zip package with your applications files, and finally enter the name of the ACCDB or MDB front-end.
Go To Applications